Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts

Shared Responsibilty

By Marty Block

Technological civilization is a unique occurrence in our galaxy. It is quite reasonable to believe that even if there have been other such technological civilizations that have arisen on others of the 100 billion planets that it is estimated have existed within solar systems surrounding some of the 100 - 400 billion stars in the Milky Way over the 13.6 billion years since its creation, they are such a rare achievement that there most likely never were any two overlapping technological civilizations on two of the planets in those many solar systems; which is a sound explanation why we have never had an authenticated contact with another technological civilization and quite probably never shall.

That is not the same as saying that there is no other life on the myriad of planets and satellites within the galaxy.  If life was able to be created on the Earth at a time when the environmental conditions were potentially hostile to such an event, there is no reasonable argument that it could not occur elsewhere.

But if indeed the theory of the rarity of technological civilizations coming into existence is correct, then our's may be alone in the Milky Way, which means we, the people of the Earth, the third planet in the solar system surrounding a rather ordinary sun sitting on one of the galaxy's spiral arms, carry a high burden and ethical responsibility to exert every effort to preserve and advance our technological civilization.

The burden and responsibility to preserve and advance our civilization is a shared responsibility belonging to no single nation, institution, or people.  It is an individual and collective responsibility and it carries with it the added burden of all that share this planet to individually and collectively ensure that no individual nation, institution, or people jeopardize the well-being of the others by acts of commission or omission.

Which brings us to the immediate threat to civilization brought about because of the irresponsible and/or deliberate acts of the People's Republic of China resulting from the Corvid-19 epidemic and the actions of  China and the World Health Organization before, during, and following the inauguration of the chain of events.

COVID-19 Being Used By Media as A Bludgeon against Trump

Let's get back to political basics...
It wasn’t hard to predict what the media would do with COVID-19. In no time at all, it was transformed from a foreign virus into a bludgeon against President Donald Trump.
It’s what the media has done with every event since Trump came down the escalator in 2015. True to form, the media has simply continued doing what comes naturally: blaming Trump.
At this point, people who are wise to the media’s dishonest games know to expect this type of politicized spin — the question now is whether or not the spin is working. 
In the span of one month, the landscape of the 2020 presidential election has drastically changed. Trump’s campaign position went from one of a thriving economy and packed rallies to one of financial devastation and oppressive social distancing.

How Far Left Politics Facilitated Spread of Coronavirus in Italy

or How China Now Owns 27% of Italy's Businesses and a Controlling interest in Fiat/Chrysler
Published March 24, 2020 | By Giacomino Nicolazzo
Reposted on Facebook by Lindsay Harrington

Giacomino Nicolazzo is one of Italy’s most beloved writers.
Born and raised in Central Pennsylvania USA, he lives in a small village in Lombardy where he writes his books.
“Montecalvo, Lombardy, Italy. As I sit here in my involuntary isolation, it was just reported that overnight 743 more people died and 5.249 new cases have been reported. This brings the total cases of infection to 69,176 and the body count to 6,820. We take relief in knowing that 8,326 people have recovered so far. (Numbers as of 3/24, 8:30pm in Italy [4].) 
Most towns here in Italy, from the upper reaches of the Alps to the ancient shores of Sicilia and Sardenia, while not deserted, are closer to being ghost towns than the bustling centers of tourism, business and daily life they were just a few weeks ago.
Stores and shops have been shuttered. Restaurants and coffee shops no longer serve customers. Schools, universities, sporting arenas…even our museums and theaters…all closed. Even the Vatican City has closed its gates and armed patrols monitor the 20 foot tall walls that protect it!