Showing posts with label Democratic Cities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Cities. Show all posts

Sadly Watching Our American Cities Under Seige - As Democratic Leaders Step Aside

Sadly we watch as our major American cities are being looted, burned and ruined by criminals and domestic terrorists.  Meanwhile we watch as the New York Governor and Mayor debate and ponder late into the afternoon as to whether to declare a curfew, then do so in the early evening for 11 p.m. Really?  The next day the Governor goes back to the slideshow and fails to take the responsibility he should have.  Instead of sending in the National Guard to support the weary, unsupported New York police, he does nothing.  Just chastizes the police.

We watch as a feckless Minneapolis mayor lets extremists and hoodlums take over police precincts and run wild destroying minority businesses. We see hoodlums in Philadelphia  set fire to police vehicles. We watch as police are attacked and shot.  Instead of being supported to end this violence, police are being told to stand down. Many videos show police watching as men in masks walk by boldly with bats over their shoulders or other destructive instruments.   This can't be our country.

It is almost a cliche at this point to say that this is not about a black man who was horribly and senselessly murdered by an out-of-control policeman.  This is about chaos and anarchy.  This is about lack of leadership.  Where was the leadership of a mayor or his predecessor in weeding out bad cops long ago before this horrendous precipitous incident happened?  This is about governments that are not doing their job. Cities have continued to reelect these weak politicians - democrats who make empty promises while they lead our cities into decline and destruction and let anarchists and hoodlums take control in a crisis.

There is only one answer -- change - change the leadership of these cities. If liberals in New York want to shop on their 5th Avenue shops again, they better wise up. 

T. Murtha

Backhoe Chronicles- Madness

I have been struggling with what to post about the madness that is sweeping big cities around the country.
Last night I watched St. John's Church, located just across from the White House, partially burn. I got sick to me stomach....
Then it dawned on have heard me, and seen me write, we are engaged in a struggle, and have been since 2016, for the heart and soul of these United States.
If you believe like I do, that America was settled and founded as a new Jerusalem, a light to the world, a city on a hill, then you know that this is as much a spiritual battle as it is a political battle.
And so it dawned on me...we must pray as much as we are also politically active.
This anointed Republic is under attack by forces that no one saw coming.
We know that the rioters and anarchists are not the same people who rightfully protest over the senseless murder on Mr. Floyd.
Rather, the forces arrayed against us are taking advantage of the event and .. here is the worst part... there are so many mayors who do not have the moral clarity to see the difference.
They want to be so sensitive to the legitimate protesters that they are blind to the evil that rises up in the name of protest. And the result? The Minneapolis Mayor and others tell the police force to stand down!
My God! Death, destruction and mayhem is not legitimate protest! 
And we see that lack of moral clarity repeated in city after city.
We know the answer...
In this political cycle, we must work like it is up to us...
And pray like it is up to God.
America is, and has been, a light to the world.
We must not let that light grow dim on our watch!
Peter Feaman