Kamala Harris and the 1619 Project

 The woman who could very well become the President of the United States has expressed support for the “1619 project.” What is the 1619 Project and why should you be concerned? 

The “ 1619 Project,” published by the New York Times as a special 100-page edition of its Sunday magazine in August of 2019, presented a distorted version of American history entirely through the prism of race and full of hatred towards the country that has been dedicated for most of its history to furthering human liberty and equality.  It ignores most of the factual history of worldwide slavery laying the blame for slavery on white America.  Among other omissions it ignores  the hundreds of thousands of white people who died not only for the basic freedom of all Americans but to free enslaved blacks.  The Project asserts that every aspect of American life has only one lens to view through that of slavery and what it reeped. “America Wasn’t a Democracy Until Black Americans Made It One,” proclaims the introductory essay by Nikole Hannah-Jones; “American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace That to the Plantation,” says another by Matthew Desmond. In some cases, history is reduced to nonsense : “How Segregation Caused Your Traffic Jam.”

With claims that this country’s true founding was 1619, and that that all of American history is rooted in race hatred—specifically, the uncontrollable hatred of “black people” by “white people.” Hannah-Jones, the instigator and promoter of the project writes in the series’ introduction that “Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country.”  Despite the pretense of establishing the United States’ “true” foundation, the 1619 Project is a politically motivated falsification of history. Its aim is to create a historical narrative that legitimizes the effort of the Democratic Party to construct an electoral coalition based on the prioritizing of personal identity i.e., gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, and, above all, race.

While many leading scholars of American history have spoken out against this false and disturbing view of our American founding and development, the Times with support of Pulitzer Center printed hundreds of thousands of extra copies of the magazine issue containing this fallacious propaganda for free distribution at schools, libraries and museums across the country. 

Kamala Harris has praised the 1619 Project, this distorted racially divisive and threatening to the very core of our democracy view as “a powerful and necessary reckoning of our history”   stating that “We cannot understand and address the problems of today without speaking truth of how we got here.”. This compilation of falsehood and propaganda is not truth,  it is garbage.  

It is frightening to think that a person who very well could become President of the United States supports a view that America was founded in 1619 not 1776, Lincoln was a racist who held back blacks, and that the American Revolution and the Civil War were conspiracies to perpetuate white racism. 

Wake away America. This devisive-spirited woman cannot ever be close to being the President of our union. 
<t. murtha>

We are Being Gaslighted


The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light, and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944. In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements of their environment and insisting that she is mistaken, remembering things incorrectly, or delusional when she points out these changes. The play's title alludes to how the abusive husband slowly dims the gas lights in their home, while pretending nothing has changed, in an effort to make his wife doubt her own perceptions. The wife repeatedly asks her husband to confirm her perceptions about the dimming lights, but in defiance of reality, he keeps insisting that the lights are the same and instead it is she who is going insane.

We are living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. The reality that we are being told by the media is at complete odds with what we are seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is that actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy. 

You’re not racist. You’re not crazy. You’re being gaslighted.

New York State has twice as many deaths from Covid-19 than any other state, and New York has accounted for one fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor. But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we’re called anti-science and want people to die. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests. And when we call this destruction of our cities, riots, we are called racists. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see the major problem destroying many inner-cities is crime; murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery, but we are told that it is not crime, but the police that are the problem in the inner-cities. We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer. But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are “people of color”, and these immigrants are enjoying freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet, and if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in capitalist countries. We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens like slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest and most prosperous economic system in the world. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of “white fragility”. You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect. You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don’t discriminate based on race or ethnicity. But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin. You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist. You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that your defense of yourself is proof of your racism. 

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be. It deals in lies and psychological coercion, and not the truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you’re crazy, you are not. Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy. So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust your eyes over what you are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.

Sophocles said: "What people believe prevails over the truth."

And that's what the media are trying to exploit.


Why Do We Let Them Call Themselves Liberal? or Progressive?

Liberal is too kind and actually inaccurate a word to describe those at the top of the a Democratic  Party today.  What is liberal about them?  Liberalism in the classic sense is a political doctrine that says that protecting and enhancing the freedoms of the individual is the central problem of politics. Liberals have typically believed that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but have also recognized that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.   Can we seriously and accurately ascribe this term to today’s Democrats?  

Oh they are liberal alright if we use the word in the sense of how free they are to spend other people’s  money like using any crisis to invent or pull from their agenda archive  massive government programs that go way beyond addressing the immediate crisis to try to increase their bureaucratic domain over the lives of individuals and actually repress freedoms further. 

Originating at the turn of the twentieth century, Progressivism was a political movement  believing that the problems society faced such as  class warfare, poverty, racism and violence could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment and an efficient workplace. The modern so-called progressives have used this political cause to gain power, for instance, in cities throughout the country, with disastrous results.  You only have to look at the poverty, failing public school systems, rising crime in major cities controlled by these people to recognize that this is the work of a subversive, inept, elitist ruling class who not only can’t fix these problems but has no real interest in doing so.  They are truly not progressive they are inept exploiters of minorities and the poor whose objective is totalitarian power.  

Conservatives and Republicans have been too polite.  We need to start calling out these Democratic socialists for what they truly are and stop using euphemisms  like liberal and progressive for these mean-spirited, self-serving, elitist leftists.    <t. murtha>

Vote by Mail is Safe and Secure - Here are Options

 Voting by mail in Charlotte County is safe and recommended.


A vote by mail ballot request is only valid for only 2 election cycles.


Voting by mail gives you options.

1: Vote and return the ballot by mail, no postage required.

2: Vote and return the ballot to one of the drop off locationssuper early voting.

3: Vote and return the ballot to an early voting venue.

4: Vote and take the ballot to your polling place on November 3rd.

5: if you change your mind you can go to early or normal voting and ask for a

   replacement ballot.


To check on your request for a mail ballot or to request a mail ballot: 


Go to https://www.charlottevotes.com/ and answer the questions on the home page.

After you mail in your ballot  you can also check the status of your ballot at this site.

(J Druyer)