The Democrats knew they had no chance of impeaching Trump. That wasn’t their goal. They were trying to destroy not only Trump but the entire Republican Party, and chastise everyone who voted for Trump. They wanted to condemn in front of the nation all attempts to discredit the election and hence their puppet-president - Joe Biden.
The entire kangaroo impeachment trial was an absurd blending of unreasonable argument with no evidence. As so-called evidence, the House managers showed outrageously misleading cuts of film and inflammatory footage showing the perpetrators of the intrusion of the Capitol, whom we all agree were wrong and should be dealt with under the law. This did nothing to prove that Trump was the instigator. The only other support of their argument they had were reports from mostly left-winged news outlets.
In his closing argument Trump’s lawyer expressed the outrage we must all feel at the bloated hypocritical theatre presented by the Democrats. He didn’t just speak for Trump. He spoke for us. It wasn’t just Trump on trial. It was us. All of us who supported and voted for a man who did some great things for our country and stood by his promises to us.
There were some who were not outraged. They likely didn’t vote for Trump. They are phony, arrogant politicians who shouldn’t be a part of the Republican Party. We know who they are, I don’t need to repeat the six names. Two will be gone on their own. The others need to go and we need to support any effort to be rid of them from representing the Party.