What has PRESIDENT TRUMP and his cabinet accomplished.....
News and Opinions from the Charlotte County Republican Executive Committee
Trump’s Accomplishments
Our Constitution Was Created for the Moral
Our Founders admitted that they deliberately created a Constitution that was designed for the moral and religious. It was the ONLY way for liberty and freedom to exist. The founders believed that If people who weren’t moral ever attained power, the Constitution would not be able to prevent the eventual collapse of the Republic
People making such vile comments about Trump's brother’s passing may claim they are moral and perhaps Christian or some other faith, but their behavior is certainly not, and that’s what our Founder’s were referring to.
The Marxists who have been trying to subvert and undermine our culture have spent decades trying to unravel the moral fabric of our country. They’ve been doing this by gaining control of the media, Hollywood, education and minimizing the importance of the family by introducing the notions and beliefs that our God, Family and Country are evil and irrelevant - that the only TRUE salvation is through their Marxist ideology, for it is THEY who are all-knowing and will provide for everything we need.
The disgusting behavior towards the passing of the President’s brother is an example of how people have been so indoctrinated, even unwittingly or unconsciously, that even “good” people will lower themselves to such vitriol. When half of half of its population behave his way, a country cannot last.
People talk about us being at a crossroads. I’m not so sure about that. We made be well BEYOND the crossroads where America can be saved. The country is now made up of population that has two different perspectives in most aspects of life. We may be like a couple in a marriage that is so bad, so vicious, that there is no chance of reconciliation - that the only solution is a bad divorce.
It is a situation where either one spouse walks away with everything, not caring about the needs or survival of the other spouse, OR, they split everything and walk away from each other forever. As Lincoln said when he quoted the Bible, “A house divided amongst itself cannot stand.”
The call by certain Democrats in Congress for more riots and mayhem in the streets is equivalent to encouraging the estranged couple to commit more acts of domestic violence. There are winners when this occurs, but if one spouse does declare victory, it was because of a bloody battle, figuratively and on occasion, literally.
America may be beyond the point of reconciliation. We may have to part ways, as it is appears that we can’t live under the same roof any longer. Certainly, many spouses have differences, but compatibility requires that BOTH spouses tolerate the shortcomings and differences in the other spouse. Today, one of the spouses has ZERO tolerance for the other spouse. This can only result in one ending. This happened once before in America, in 1860. It is quite possible that no matter WHO wins the 2020 election, one of the spouses will want a divorce, and it could become messy.
Some of our Founders thought that our Republic might last 50 years, knowing that corruption, the lust for power and uncivil behavior would no longer make America work. It has lasted for more than 50 years, but ultimately they might be proven right.
And if the future requires that the people of America need to file papers, all I want from this divorce is my Liberty, which includes my guns, my Bible and my God - you can have everything else. You asked for it, now you can have it. Just don’t visit my house and leave me and the others alone. Stay in yours because you won’t be welcomed.
B. Abbatematteo
Trump is our Rowboat
Unknown Source
“ A Message For Christians About Donald Trump
Here's a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.
"A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says "No, I'm waiting for God. I prayed and I know he's coming." 2nd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God." 3rd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God."
Water rises. The man drowns. Now he's meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, "Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?"
God says, "Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats."
Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?
Maybe God is trying to tell us something important--that now is not the time for a "nice Christian guy" or a "gentleman" or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentlemen don't apply here. Maybe a gentleman and "all-around nice Christian" would lead us to slaughter.
Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to "the promised land?" Did they change the direction of America? No, because if you don't win, you have no say.
Paul Ryan couldn't even deliver his own state, Wisconsin! Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan...not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.
Maybe God is knocking on your door loudly, but you're not listening. Maybe God understands we need a "war leader" at this moment in time. Maybe God understands if we don't win this election, America is dead. It's over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.
And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven't ever experienced before-- because you weren't raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you're combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too.
Someone with a personality you've never seen on stage at your church. Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Biden and his billion dollars, and his best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.
I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you've missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary, God is pretty tough. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.
Maybe you think God couldn't possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude.
When we won WWII, was God "nice?" Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan ? Is God ever "nice" on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB's like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?
It's pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be "war leaders." That's a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that.
And maybe it's time to re-define "nice." Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren't nice at all--because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America . And God can't allow that. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe they're just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they'd rather help elect Biden than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.
"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." (Isiah 40:30-31)
God is about miracles. We don't need a "nice guy" or a "gentleman" right now. It's the 4th quarter and we're losing 14-0. We need a miracle.
So let me repeat my message to Christians: "YOU'RE MISSING THE BOAT."
I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he's more like a battleship!
No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time. Yes, he's a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.
It's Trump...or it's the end of the American dream.”
Vote By Mail is Safe in Florida.
Dear Republicans:
Hope you are all staying safe and practicing social distancing during this terrible pandemic that we are suffering through. It certainly has changed the dynamics of the election process with people concerned with any social contact. What this will mean to live in-person voting at polling stations remains to be seen, but for sure, it will have a major impact. It is also understandable that Vote by Mail will be huge with people fearful to venture out of their houses and face large crowds. It is expected that the Vote by Mail ballots will be near 40% of all the votes cast. This is huge.
It has to be understood by all that Vote by Mail (which is the same thing as Absentee Ballot voting) in Florida has been going on for over 10 years, and per a recent conversation with our Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections, there never has been a single ballot found to be illegal. This is a phenomenally safe track record.
So, why is there so much confusion on the safety and use of it? That is easy. Many states are just not as well organized and well managed. Their systems are antiquated and their process control is poor. Some states permit canvas balloting, where forms are just blasted out to everyone. These are the states that President Trump is concerned with and he should be. However, Florida is not one of them.
What we need to do is spread the word that it is completely safe to Vote by Mail in Florida. The Democrats are pushing this with an all-out effort, since they think the confusion will result in some Republicans just not voting. They are strategizing they will get huge numbers of votes with Vote by Mail, because they know it is safe and secure in Florida. This is a major problem that we must address. We need to assure every Republican or NPA that has concerns about Vote by Mail that there are no problems with it in Florida.
To Vote by Mail in Charlotte County, you need to contact the Charlotte County, Supervisor of Elections to request a Vote by Mail ballot. This can be done on their web site which is charlottevotes.com or stopping by or mailing to the office at 227 Taylor Rd., Punta Gorda, 33950, or by calling their office at 941-833-5400.
The same request process exists for Lee and DeSoto Counties. Below is their contact information:
Lee County’s web site for the Supervisor of Elections is https://www.lee.vote/. The main address is 2480 Thompson St., 3rd floor, Fort Myers, Fl., 33901. The phone number is 239-533-8683.
DeSoto County’s web site for the Supervisor of Elections is votedesoto.com. The address is 201 E. Oak St., Suite 10104, Arcadia, Fl. 34266. The phone number is 863-993-4871.
The re-election of President Donald J. Trump goes through capturing the State of Florida. It is in our hands, so we need to make sure to get out the message that Vote by Mail is perfectly fine. We will need every single vote to win.
Thank you, Gene Murtha