Beware of the Poisoned Apple - The Left’s Agenda


In the classic fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the evil Queen arrives at Snow White’;s cottage disguised as an old peddler. Despite being warned by the seven dwarfs to not open the door for anyone or accept any gifts, Snow White answers the door. The Evil Queen lures Snow White into taking a bite from a beautiful , shiny apple, actually a poisoned apple. 

The moral of the story is be wary of hidden agendas such as that behind much of the Democrat’s legislation but in particular their deceptively labeled For the People Act.  Presented as a shiny apple that will repair democracy and bring social justice, the bill is transformative alright as described and poison to our Republic.  It would essentially federalize elections and make it easier for Democrats to cheat.

Now in the Senate as S. 1, some of the poison:

Sends federal dollars to fund political campaigns. Not to build roads or bridges but to add 600 percent of federal money to every small dollar donated by Americans. So let’s say Mary from Michigan donates $200 to her preferred candidate. Well, now the U.S. Treasury has just chipped in another 1,200 bucks.

Legalizes voting for convicted felons all over the country…even if they were convicted of election fraud. Does that make sense to you? Not only is this dangerous…it’

Weakens the security of our elections and make it harder to protect against voter fraud. Here’s how: It would automatically register voters from DMV and other government databases. Voting is a right, not a mandate. In most cases, this legislation would actually prevent officials from removing ineligible voters from the rolls and would make it much more difficult to verify the accuracy of voter information. So future voters might be underage or dead or illegal immigrants, or registered two or three times….

Contains  various poorly written and confusing requirements that could be difficult or even impossible to interpret leading to election malfunctions  

The shiny apple with false misleading promises actually is designed to keep a Federal Government run by Democrats in power indefinitely - a dangerous, poisonous path.  

HR 1 Designed To Thwart Election Security - Not “for the People”

A bill that will essentially destroy our Republic and move towards federalizing elections, the so-called “For the People Act” of 2021 (H.R. 1) passed the House of Representatives on March 3, 2021. The Senate version of the bill, which has been designated S. 1 and tracks closely to the House's language, was introduced on March 17, 2021 and is now in committee there 

This bill is designed to help Democrats win every election going forward. It also has elements that will close down political speech that doesn’t conform to their narrative. It is to quote others “the most dangerous piece of legislation ever presented.” It is designed to  dilute  your legitimate vote and facilitate fraudulent registration, ballot harvesting and illegitimate voting.   Democrats have framed H.R.1 and S.1 as key voting rights legislation aimed at increasing access to the polls and curbing corruption.   Simply not true.  

Among other things the bill:

  • Would require states to offer same day registration (SDR) for federal elections - would make it more difficult to verify legitimacy of voter
  • Establish federal criminal penalties for deceiving or intimidating voters - problem is how this could be interpreted or used 
  • Would allow and facilitate sixteen-year olds registering to vote for election when they reach 18 - Obviously designed to increase numbers registering as Democrats based on liberal values children are being indoctrinated with. 
  • Would set up small donor matching provides candidates with a “match” of public funding for eligible private donation, for example, a private donation of $100 to a candidate participating in a 6-1 matching system would attract $600 in matching public funds, for a total contribution of $700.  - Another way to get “free” dollars for Dems.  
  • Would allow for a national system automatic registration
  • Would replace Voter ID rules with a Federal law that allow registration with a sworn statement
  • Would introduce personal ID information including addresses for any kind of political advertising including memes from individuals exporting people to attacks and discouraging personal commentary 

Write your Senator now to stop this legislation. 

Asian American Hate-Crime False Flag - A Democrat Divide and Conquer Tactic

The latest decisive rhetoric coming from the Biden administration and the Democrats  involves Asian Americans. A recent horrendous attack on a Korean-American run spa in Atlanta, which was not according to police a hate-based crime, spurred Democrat protestors and Biden himself to cry “xenophobic” and express fake anger against Asian hate crimes unrelated to the incident. Crowds of people waving American flags and carrying posters that read "We are not the virus" and "Stop Asian Hate" stood in front of the golden-domed Georgia State Capitol building the weekend after this crime totally unrelated to Asian hate-crime.  

Why the interest in this supposed xenophobia.  Simply this - building the constituency of support for the Biden agenda and increasing voter base. Since 2000, the Asian American population has grown 87%,  exceeding 22 million people.  In that same period, the number of Asian Americans eligible to vote has  more than doubled, making it the fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the electorate.   The Democrats see this group as a prime target for their “saving” that they can move away from Republican party.  Using divisive tactics like this is their divide-and-conquer way of increasing and sustaining power. 

Interesting to note that while the left tries to blame white supremacists  for crime against Asian Americans, the fact is  according to scientific studies, hate crimes against Asian Americans are more likely to be committed by non-white offenders. Moreover offenses are committed because of “ boredom, to have fun, and to feel strong” and are typically minor crimes.  Findings also indicate that it is jealousy of Asian Americans’ high levels of educational achievement, and their success in the workplace that may be  leading to feelings of resentment from other racial/ethnic groups.  

While the stigma of the Covid virus coming from China may have caused an increase in verbal abuse and minor crimes towards Asian Americans by those jealous of this group, this is not and will not in the future be the main source of any hate issues towards Asian Americans and is a false flag which avoids addressing the real problem.   The evidence shows that the increase in these types of incidents is not related to white supremacy issues.  In New York City for instance, where anti-Asian hate crime did significantly increase in 2020 over the year before, only two of the 20 people arrested last year in connection with these attacks were white, according to New York Police Department in data analyzed by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. Eleven were African Americans, six were white Hispanics and one was a Black Hispanic.

Republicans cannot allow false and divisive narratives to stand. While we should stand against any form of hate-crime, we need to counter false allegations about them. We also have to make certain we are addressing the real concerns of Asian Americans and make certain that they know we are.  Their concerns are similar to those of other Americans in the middle class -  ability to provide for their families, to obtain a good education for their children, to have reasonable cost access to healthcare, and to be assured that the freedoms that they or their forefathers came here for will be protected.  

We are Failing to Teach Children Our History Well

Socialism has gained traction in  this country because of ignorance. Our young people, who did not witness firsthand what the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its Eastern European client states were like,  have not been taught about it accurately.  Most don’t understand that socialism means giving power to a central government which in the many examples throughout history used that power to destroy liberty. They have been led to believe by left wing educators and politicians that capitalism is pure evil and that socialism leads to a utopia with free college and healthcare for all.  

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, a Pew Research study found have on the whole a very poor knowledge of history.    Moreover,  instead of learning that America has been the greatest force for freedom in the history of the planet that has enabled unparalleled wealth for its citizens, our young people have been taught a progressive propaganda imbuing guilt over America's shortcomings.  They have been given textbooks that focus on the failings of our founding and road to prosperity placing emphasis on the bad treatment of  indigenous people, the condoning of slavery and  imperialism. Slanted and disputed by highly respected historians, a “1619 Project” document is being widely distributed to be used as a part of the curriculum across the country.  

Socialism can take root only where there is ignorance of its failures and atrocities in the past. It can flourish when it is falsely glorified and when a nation’s democratic history is undermined by exaggerations of its missteps instead of a truthful teaching of its successes.  Learning accurate history is essential for a free society.  We are failing to ascertain that are children are  being taught about the greatness of our county and how it has provided them with more freedom and opportunity than any other people have experienced. 

America’s monopolistic, bureaucratic, over-regulated system of public schools dominated by powerful teacher’s unions that benefit by supporting a powerful centralized government has provided the infrastructure for introducing socialistic principals into our schools at a very early age.  Accurate history that reflects positively on the American experience is being overrun with history taught from a biased leftist perspective.  

Parents and grandparents need to be involved in their children’s education. Question as to what they are thinking and why.  It might surprise you and enable you to address issues in their educational experience early on.  Look at textbooks and discuss classroom learning.  There is a Bill HB 241  now in the Florida House of Representatives that is important to supporting parent’s rights in access to information about their children’s education.  Support it.  Write Michael Grant, your Representative and tell him so.  

Free Speech Under Attack

We saw it during 2020 when the then President of the United States of America had his Twitter account removed - a major tool that he used to communicate with millions of Americans.  It was not the only communication block happening.  Nationally, Republicans were assaulted by the Facebook police.  We, as an example,  run a Facebook page for the Charlotte County Republican Party.  Prior to the election cycle, we would get hundreds of views and "likes" on our posts, somewhere around a month prior to the election both the views of our posts and "likes" mysteriously sunk like lead, going to meager amounts of views and paltry like numbers.  Not because the quality or pertinence of our page had deteriorated, another page we run that somehow the Facebook police missed was getting hundreds of views and likes for the same type of posts.  

Another page we administered for Trump, in particular, was being carefully patrolled.  "False" and "misleading" labels were placed on many posts,  administrators were forced into reviewing many posts before they could be posted, and many were just blocked.  

This was simply put election interference.  And it was an assault on free speech.

But there are other sinister ways in which free speech is being blocked and it is just as if not more dangerous.  

  • A high school teacher telling a politically conservative student that his writing is not in keeping with the current discourse because he expressed a right-leaning opinion 
  • A leftist professor banning use of words like "male" "female" "illegal alien" in the classroom saying these words perpetuate "white heterosexual privilege"
  • The left-wing media dominating the airways and the print media including our local paper in a predominant Republican county.
  • Democrat congressmen try to pressure TV  carriers to cancel Fox News OAN and News Max for spreading false news about January 6 break-in (notice I did not use the loaded and false word “insurrection”
  • Banning Dr. Seuss books rather than providing context for the time in which they were written 
And these are just illustrations.  We can't let up.  We can’t let these socialists take away our freedoms.  We must do all we can to have our conservative voices heard.  Write letters-to-the-editor.  If you are an advertiser speak up and insist on a more balanced viewpoint in your local news.  Don't stop using tools like Facebook -- we need to be on as many platforms as possible. Use others as well.  Join efforts or donate to efforts that support free speech. Support legislative efforts that are designed to protect freedom of speech.   There have been wins.  Lawsuits have been won. Never give up.  



Time To Clean House

 The Democrats knew they had no chance of impeaching Trump. That wasn’t  their goal.  They were trying to destroy not only Trump but the entire Republican Party, and chastise everyone who voted for Trump. They wanted to condemn in front of the nation all attempts to discredit the election and hence their puppet-president - Joe Biden. 

The entire kangaroo impeachment  trial was an absurd blending of unreasonable argument with no evidence.  As so-called evidence, the House managers showed outrageously misleading cuts of film and inflammatory footage showing the perpetrators of the intrusion of the Capitol, whom we all agree were wrong and should be dealt with under the law.  This did nothing to prove that Trump was the instigator. The only other support of their argument they had were reports from mostly left-winged news outlets. 

In his closing argument Trump’s lawyer expressed the outrage we must all feel at the bloated hypocritical theatre presented by the Democrats. He didn’t just speak for Trump. He spoke for us. It wasn’t just Trump on trial. It was us. All of us who supported and voted for a man who did some great things for our  country and stood by his promises to us.  

There were some who were not outraged. They likely didn’t vote for Trump. They are phony, arrogant politicians who shouldn’t be a part of the Republican Party. We know who they are, I don’t need to repeat the six names. Two will be gone on their own. The others need to go and we need to support any effort to be rid of them from representing the Party.  

China Joe

 Now that Joe is no longer running some of his shenanigans or how he got rich schemes are coming out. Here is just one that has implications for decision making in the new administration. According to Politico:

At the University of Pennsylvania, there is a thing called the “Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.” The man who has been running the Penn Biden Center since it was founded in 2018 is a guy named Tony Blinken, Biden’s nominee to be the new US Secretary of State.

The Penn Biden Center under Blinken’s leadership took in more than $20 million in anonymous donations from Chinese nationals. And the Penn Biden Center according to an article in Politico is now refusing to disclose the identities of those Chinese.

The  Penn Biden Center is almost entirely bought and paid for by anonymous Chinese donors. There are a few other people who worked there who are also moving over to the White House.  

The list includes White House counselor Steve Ricchetti, Brian McKeon who headed to the State Department, the new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl, the new deputy UN ambassador Jeff Prescott, and three other people that Biden has appointed to the National Security Council.

All of these people are required, obviously, to fill out financial disclosures during the nominating process. But they’re all just going to write that they were paid salaries by this Penn Biden Center. And the Penn Biden Center is refusing to disclose its list of anonymous donors from Communist China.

(partially extracted from Politico)

Biden Strikes with First Leftist Acts

Eager to train wreck the successes of the Trump presidency,    Biden has been quick to initiate actions to dismantle Trump programs that increased economic prosperity in the country, grew jobs and provided the country with a more secure environment. Here’s just a shortlist of what he has been up to. More than ever Republicans have to work together through our Republican led states and other legal channels to fight this agenda

Here are just a few of the leftist pleasing actions Biden has taken in the nascent days of his Presidency. 

  • He rejoined the World Health Organization which covered up China’s role in spreading the coronavirus, rewarding them with upwards of $450 million a year for the privilege of being the WHO’s largest donor. 

  • Despite high unemployment and the pandemic, he put a moratorium on deportations of illegal aliens which has encouraged caravans from central America 

  • He revoked  the permit for the Keystone Pipeline which will kill thousands of good-paying jobs 

  • He signed an order letting boys compete in girls’ sports events if they identify as transgender putting biological girls in jeopardy of  losing their role in sports and scholarships.  

  • He halted new oil, gas and coal leases on public lands and water and rejoined the Paris Climate Accord is certain to be a job killer and will ultimately increase fuel prices 

First Goal - Save Our First Amendment Rights

When I hear Katie Couric say on the lefty Bill Mayer show that Republican congressmen and women who were Trump supporters would need to be “deprogrammed” and listen to distainful remarks from Willy Geist regarding what constitutes almost half of America, I know something is terribly wrong.  These are not hard line political commentators. These are soft side not particularly erudite TV hosts that would in normal times be overseeing cooking segments with celebrity chefs or chatting up an actor on his new film. Yet there they are chirping out dangerous comments on the American people. 

They are part of a bubble that encapsulates the majority of our media. Most of the people they talk to and work with every day hold views similar to them — Trump bad, people who support or supported him, bad also. They believe they, the bubble brigade, represent the country. People who hold contrary opinions seem weird and even sinister to them or at best malprogrammed needing reprogramming or worst yet total silencing. 

But there is a more dangerous component to this. The  big tech leadership that controls modern communication and provides the screens  that our children spend a great deal of time using are intrinsically linked to this bubble. Hence, they provide the people who want to shut down opposing viewpoints the tools for doing just that. We only have to look at how the New York Post was stopped from echoing negative but accurate information on Joe Biden during the election and worst still how President Trump and other conservatives have been banned from the major social media platforms.  These corporations have grown so powerful that they can effectively squash free speech. It’s a new problem that requires new solutions, before unelected corporate elites who are part of the bubble control the flow of information for the entire country.

And the solution doesn’t lie just in finding and using other marginal platforms -  you already see what happens there, Parler is just an example. We have to stand together on issues that are important - free speech the main one of them. Start locally. Blast the local paper with letters now. Contact your local and state representatives on this issue now. Stay on the main stream social platforms and blast away going to the pages of elected officials and  influencers and insist that companies not be enabled to restrict our first amendment rights. It is nonsense to say that these social giants are private companies that can do what they want - they are monopolistic utilities that control access to huge populations.  These platforms are the printing presses of today and we can’t be silenced on them if we are to remain a free people. We also need to resort to email, snail mail and other traditional ways to get our message out.  - tmurtha

The Election Fix

 Provided by Peter Feaman, National Committeeman RPOF

Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States
BY CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON November 13, 2020 Updated: November 14, 2020
WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign has canceled his vacation plans to comb through election data for voter fraud.
Matt Braynard and his wife had planned to be in the Dominican Republic, but “right now, this is where I’m needed,” he said on YouTube on Nov. 8.
Braynard has assembled a team to look for inconsistencies in the six contested states—Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.
So far, they’ve identified 1.25 million voter issues that they’re following up on through phone calls and against other databases.
The largest issue they’ve found so far is with voters who had submitted a National Change of Address form to the post office indicating they moved out of state, yet appear to have voted in 2020 in the state they moved from.
“We’re calling them to confirm whether or not they actually cast the ballot, or if that ballot was cast by somebody else in their name,” Braynard told The Epoch Times.
In Georgia, the team found 17,877 early or absentee voters who had filed out-of-state move notices—a higher number than the current vote differential in the state. The current vote tally in Georgia as of 1 p.m. on Nov. 13 shows Democratic nominee Joe Biden ahead of Trump by 14,164 votes.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has called for a recount and audit of the presidential race in his state, which began on Nov. 13 and is expected to conclude at midnight on Nov. 18. Georgia is obliged to certify its election results by Nov. 20.
Braynard’s team has also found conflicting out-of-state move notices and votes cast with 7,426 Pennsylvania voters, 6,254 Wisconsin voters, 5,145 Nevada voters, 5,084 Arizona voters, and 1,688 Michigan voters.
So far, they’ve confirmed 631 double-voters in Pennsylvania and 987 in Nevada—and that’s before they’ve checked the Election Day in-person voting information.
“I’m surprised by how many out-of-state national changes of address we found. Because that does indicate very strongly that somebody established residency somewhere else,” Braynard said. “And then they got mailed an absentee ballot, were able to get one, and they cast it. And in many cases, as we found, they not only cast that ballot, they cast a ballot in the new state they live in as well.”
Aside from the change of address issues, Braynard’s team is calling people who received absentee ballots but didn’t return them. They’re asking the person if they requested the ballot, and if so, did they return it, only for it not to be counted.
The third chunk of phone calls relates to precincts that had an extremely high turnout. They’re calling voters who had never voted before, but voted early or absentee in this election, to confirm whether they indeed cast that ballot.
So far, Braynard and his team have found “a few hundred” people who have been willing to sign declarations, which will then become affidavits if lawyers want to include that case. Braynard said he has passed all relevant information to the Trump campaign.
Stay tuned.
Peter Feaman RPOF National Committeeman

"Pennsylvania Election Violated Federal Constitution" - Trump's Brilliant Complaint

by James V DeLong 

The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship. It was filed in federal court, not state.  The gist is that some of the state's actions, and particularly the exclusion of Republican poll-watchers during the counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, violated federal constitutional requirements.

 The point is obvious enough once one thinks of it, but it's brilliant all the same.  It shifts the focus from state law, where a politicized Pennsylvania court has the last word, to federal law, where the U.S. Supreme Court rules.

As for the obviousness of the point, consider as a thought experiment a state law requiring that all votes be counted in secret by an unelected board named by the party in power.  Could it survive a constitutional challenge?

 As my old Harvard constitutional law professors would have said, "to ask the question is to answer it."  It is hard to count all the constitutional guarantees violated here: Equal Protection, Due Process, Privileges and Immunities.  Indeed, the complaint stacks up the Supreme Court precedents supporting its arguments, including the long line of ringing statements in the chain of one-person-one-vote decisions.

 Even the late Justice Ginsburg, who never met a progressive argument she could not support, would have trouble upholding such a law.

 Given this framework, the historic decision in Bush v. Gore becomes useful but unimportant.  The problem there was that the Florida Supreme Court pretended to be interpreting state law, and the legal convention is that the U.S. Supreme Court must defer on state issues, even though the Florida court was making up new law as it went along and changing its mind shamelessly.

 The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore was muddled by the need to wiggle around this problem without addressing it head-on, because it would not do to cast doubt on the integrity of fellow judges.  (The union is strong.)  Only a three-justice concurrence said flatly that the Florida Court was contradicting the Legislature, and that would not do.  Four justices went off on an opaque Equal Protection argument.

 A result of this muddle, say friends in academia, is that progressive legal scholars are contemptuous of the decision and dismiss it as irrelevant.

 Trump's Pennsylvania case does not have the complication of the state versus federal law interaction because it jumps over the state law and, as noted, relies on a host of U.S. SCOTUS cases about the importance of voting.

 The complaint has much more, designed to bolster its central point. Many other instances of fraudulent activity are cited, which lends credibility to the main accusation.  They are also indispensable to establish a factual case — that the exclusion not only occurred, but mattered, because thousands of ballots were counted in secret.

 Reading the news reports, it appears likely that similar complaints are going to be filed in other swing states and that perhaps we are seeing the exposure of a broad-based effort to corrupt the election.  Joe Biden claimed that the Democrats were mounting the biggest voter fraud effort in history, and a good rule for living is that when someone tells you he is about to screw you over, believe him.

 It is possible, then, that a number of cases will hit the Supreme Court in about three weeks.

 Everyone in the legal world assumes that the justices, bruised by the excoriation the Court has received over Bush v. Gore (even though the result was right), would never put itself in the position of reversing the apparent results of a presidential election.  This assumption is the reason for the Democrats' efforts to create an irresistible bandwagon effect, but the president's lawyers may have out-maneuvered them.  The justices may have no choice except to decide the election, one way or the other, and to be put to the choice of reversing the media-claimed results or ratifying massive fraud.

 The legitimacy of the Court could survive through, and even be enhanced by, a carefully explained reversal of initial results.  It could not survive a mealy-mouthed ratification of obvious fraud.  If Trump's lawyers make their case factually, the Court must agree.

 As Lincoln said: "we cannot escape history.  We ... will be remembered in spite of ourselves ... in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation."


James V DeLong lives in the Shenandoah Valley and is a former editor of the Harvard Law Review.

When Democracy Died In America -Journalism Soviet Style


When Democracy died in America-------- 

Joe Biden took questions from reporters today for the first time since Tucker Carlson’s interview with Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden who accused the Biden family of using their political influence to rake in millions from foreign governments.

But the media members on hand didn’t bother to ask about it. 

Biden briefly faced reporters after voting in Wilmington, Del. less than 24 hours after Bobulinski, a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, raised concerns that in 2017 the former vice president's brother, Jim Biden, and Joe Biden had ties to a possible joint venture with a Chinese energy firm owned by the Chinese government. 

Reporters ignored the bombshell allegations, instead, asking the Democrat presidential nominee about ongoing looting and unrest in Philadelphia and the Affordable Care Act, before he hurried off into a waiting black SUV.

“What we saw there was another failure by the news media to ask Joe Biden about Hunter Biden and whether or not he will admit that he lied to the American people about his son’s foreign business dealings,” Trump 2020 campaign spokesperson Erin Perrine said on "Outnumbered Overtime."

“This is a story the media refuses to cover, even when they have the candidate there, taking questions, which he so rarely does.

Chronicle fans, this is Soviet-style journalism. Don't report on anything that might be negative about the party you support, yet run with ANY unsubstantiated allegations that might be negative about the opposition party.


Democracy died today.

Please, please, Trump.

Peter Feaman

The False Narrative of Systemic Racism

 The false narrative of America  being essentially a hierarchy of privilege based on race comes out of writings by the Urban Institute.  A left leaning think tank funded largely by government grants and more recently corporate foundations, the  Institute is a leftover from the Johnson Administration. At the time of its founding  in the mid -1960s, the country was emerging from an era  when segregation and other injustices existed and the legal framework that provides African Americans the power to more fully participate in the advantages of a free society was created.  Today although remnants of past racial injustice remain, the social, economic and legal constructs have long been in place to insure that all Americans have the ability to fix any unfairness on the basis of race.  


But the institute among many other organizations and individuals who benefit from the racial injustice industry continue to invent convoluted narratives to support their existence.  Worse yet other groups have emerged to create over exaggerated and dangerous responses to episodes of injustice that could have been handled fairly by existing law.  

According to Urban Institute centuries  of bondage, Jim Crow, and their enduring legacies constitute a period of 400 years during which policy, practice, and violence blocked and stripped Black people of wealth accumulation.  They claim whites were able to accumulate wealth through inheritance and blacks until 1965 were prevented from doing so.   That is to say that white children today are more privileged because their parents and grandparents accumulated wealth and passed it on to them.  This is a distorted narrative designed to justify a socialistic agenda of wealth redistribution. 

In truth a large percentage of white people, asians and blacks who are economically comfortable today and whose children have prospered inherited nothing from their parents other than a value system that taught them that hard work and a decent, if not great education, would  lead to a better life.  One only has to look at Cubans whose children have prospered here who came here with nothing to escape a failing socialist state. 

Slavery and segregation were wrong and should be acknowledged as such.  As were the wrongs against native Americans and many groups of new immigrants.  But the cult of bitterness towards America should not be encouraged.  It is wrong to instead of encouraging  a love and respect for a country that has provided freedom and the ability to achieve the fullness of potential, to condemn its very foundation and the symbols of the freedom we all enjoy.  What is true is that most American children today did not inherit wealth, they inherited the freedom to pursue their dreams and advance as far as their hard work and determination could take them.  

Sadly the theory of racial injustice perpetuates any inequalities that may exist by discouraging blacks from trying to achieve by implanting the idea of hopelessness. Their narrative is that blacks can’t succeed because “systemic racism” works against them no matter how hard they work - an untruth that destroys possibilities. Instead of inspiring with the uplifting  message of freedom and hope and what that offers, the self-serving racial industry continues to discourage black Americans as victims who are in a hopeless situation. 
