What the Polls Don’t Capture - Peter Feaman.

The news media can conduct all the polls they wish to in order to dampen pro-Trump enthusiasm and to discourage voter turnout....

What the polls do not capture (and never will) are 2 things:

1. Registration of new voters and the Trump grass roots campaign.
Here is a direct quote from the Chairwoman of the RNC: "We have been building up our ground game for the past year. We have had people in all of these battleground states. We have the highest staff that we have ever had and we have activated over a million volunteers. And the Biden operation has not been existent. So, the second the pandemic hit, we went completely virtual, we haven't lost a step and we’ve continued to do voter registration. And we have registered more voters already than we did in the entire 2016 cycle."

So, when a media outlet or other polling outfit commissions a poll, their only known sample set are people who voted in 2016.
Therefore, we keep registering new voters. They are out there because Mr. Trump continues to enlarge his base.

Last week, there were 2 special elections. What was never reported was that Republican turnout set records.
Our voters are recognizing things — what happened to Michael Flynn;  the obstruction the President has dealt with; the calls by Democrats to defund the police; the silent approval by Democrats of the tearing down of our history and their refusal to condemn mob violence.

Our voters know that the very future  of a free and capitalist society is at stake.We are absolutely energized to make sure Republicans not only take the presidency, but keep the Senate and win back the House.

Peter Feaman  RPOF National Committeeman

Trump’s Reelection Depends on You

Dear Republicans:

As we celebrate our country’s birthday today, and show our appreciation of the liberty and freedom that our great country gives us, we should be aware of how fragile that liberty and freedom are, and how they are now being threatened by the Democratic Socialist Party. The upcoming election on November 3rd is the difference between preserving our conservative values for not only current times, but for future generations. It is our responsibility as guardians of liberty to stand up and be counted by loudly voicing and demonstrating our support of President Trump.

As the Irish statesman and philosopher, Edmund Burke, said back in the 1700s, and it applies even more today is “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men (and women) do nothing.” I believe this quote says it all. We must rise up to this threat to our country from the left, since socialism is evil. 
Remember, socialism is one step removed from Communism. All one has to do is look at the history of socialism and see its failure. Venezuela is a classic example. Of course, one of the initiatives from the left’s playbook is the rewriting of history. Look at CNN and you will never find any favorable news article on President Trump, our history or our values. Essentially, CNN and MSNBC are connected parts of the Democratic media machine.

We need to be actively supporting the President’s campaign by doing whatever we can such as phone banking, attending rallies and flag waving, putting bumper stickers on your car, lawn signs, etc. We need to fearlessly demonstrate our support. We cannot be intimated by lawless looters and rioters burning our cities and taking down statues of historical figures. Fear is all part of the left wing playbook. 
The final item I would like to address is social media. Looking at the statistics with various posts, it is clear that posts that convey a positive message highlighting the President’s accomplishments and campaign events have far greater impact.  The President’s accomplishments during his first term have been enormous. For instance, a recent post on the Trump Boat Parade achieved over 9,000 views and 100 likes. 

When you look at the Democrats message there really is only one and that is to beat the President. They have nothing else to offer other than raising your taxes, destroying our economy, suppressing free speech, taking our guns away, and increasing the size of the Federal Government with choking and repressive regulations. 

So, I hope that I am preaching to the choir, as I ask you please to actively and aggressively support in every way you can our campaign for the re-election of President Trump.  Write letters to the editor, post positive Facebook messages, and actively participate in the campaign activities such as rallies and sign waving. You can sign up or donate at charlottegop.com. 
Stay safe and stay strong. 

Thank you, Gene Murtha
Chairman – Charlotte County Republican Executive Committee

The Hypocrisy of Statue Removal - The Founder of Planned Parenthood Still Honored

The removal of statues commemorating Civil War-era confederate figures from public squares and buildings is the demand of the day.  Yet a statue remains in Washington D.C.’s Smithsonian Institution commemorating the one person responsible for the deaths of more African Americans that any other in history: Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

More than 19 million black babies have been aborted.  Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined. Planned Parenthood is responsible for many of those abortions.

In August 2015, a group of black pastors asked for the removal of Sanger’s bust from the museum.  Their request was rejected and the bust of Planned Parenthood’s founder remains on display today. Asked about the continued presence of the bust at the museum, Linda St. Thomas, director of public affairs for the Smithsonian, said, “The Sanger statue has been there for many years.”

The founder of planned Parenthood by today’s standards would be considered the worst form of racist.  She was a supporter of eugenics. Eugenics supporters pushed middle and upper-class  whites to have large families. In some circles eugenicists went as far as declaring birth control selfish and a form of "racial suicide." The same people believed that blacks and other minorities should not reproduce.

Sanger wrote: "I consider that the world, and almost our civilization for the next 25 years, is going to depend on a simple, cheap, safe, contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles and among the most ignorant people." While Margaret Sanger was being lauded for her role in the creation of the Pill in the 1960s, many in the African American community were aware of her association with eugenics. Suspicious of her intentions to begin with, some were appalled by her ongoing support of the population control movement. At the time white-dominated organizations seemed to push the pill in black communities.

Yet “Black Lives Matter is silent on Sanger.  Removal of tributes to her or condemnations of her do not fit their real agenda, destruction of the foundation of our democracy.  

How Socialism Has Taken Root - Failure of Education

Socialism has gained traction in  this country because of ignorance. Our young people, who did not witness firsthand what the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its Eastern European client states were like,  have not been taught about it accurately.  Most don’t understand that socialism means giving power to a central government which in the many examples throughout history used that power to destroy liberty. They have been led to believe by left wing educators and politicians like Bernie Sanders that capitalism is pure evil and that socialism leads to a utopia with free college and healthcare for all.  

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, a Pew Research study found have on the whole a very poor knowledge of history.  Another study found that many  teenagers don’t know what the American Revolution was all about.  Moreover,  instead of learning that America has been the greatest force for freedom in the history of the planet that has enabled unparalleled wealth for its citizens, our young people have been taught a progressive propaganda imbuing guilt over America's shortcomings.  They have been given textbooks that focus  on the failings of our founding and road to prosperity placing emphasis on the bad treatment of  indigenous people, the condoning of slavery and  imperialism. 

Socialism can take root only where there is ignorance of its failures and atrocities in the past. It can flourish when it is falsely glorified and when a nation’s democratic history is undermined by exaggerations of its missteps instead of a truthful teaching of its successes.  Learning accurate history is essential for a free society.  We have failed to ascertain that are children are  being taught about the greatness of our county and how it has provided them with more freedom and opportunity than any other people have experienced. 

Our  hope has to be that as our large millennial population move into their middle years they will learn through experience how well a free society works for them.   There is some evidence of that already. But that hope can  be destroyed if we allow the extreme left wing to get total control of the reins of our government. Then all is lost.  

Remember and Treasure Our Freedom This Fourth


This Fourth of July let’s all remember that we are one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Let’s remember that we don’t memorialize Thomas Jefferson as a slaveholder we memorialize him as author of our declaration of Independence and as a symbol as our declaration as a free people.  He wrote these words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Yes, at that time not all were included under this umbrella but in time the framework Jefferson and other founders set up gave that freedom to all of us.  Freedom that allows us to speak our minds. Freedom that allows people to protest peacefully.  

Many men and women who did incredible things to advance freedom (led wars against tyranny, led movements to advance freedom) had  stains, none were perfect but they managed in their imperfection to lead the world to a better place and that is why we honor them. 

Tearing down and destroying memorials desecrates our basic beliefs and endangers us a a freedom-loving civilization.  We may not be a perfect union but we’re the best the world has ever experienced. Let’s not let anyone destroy that.

..T Murtha 

Black Lives Matter - Follow the Money

Backhoe Chronicles... Peter Feaman

Ever since the murder of George Floyd, donations to Black Lives Matter have surged in an emotional response to that horrible event...

But does the average donor truly understand where the money is going and what they stand for?

People need to know where their hard-earned dollars are being spent.

Here is an excerpt from the Black Lives Matter Mission Statement: 

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Did you get that? The break-up of the nuclear family, the foundation of western civilization for a thousand years.

It continues...

"We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."
Nuff said on that.

Now let's follow the money:

BlackLivesMatter.com uses the platform ActBlue to process donations. ActBlue is popular among Democrat politicians and progressive nonprofits which has the ability to partner with Democrat candidates to share revenue.

BLM has denied that their donations go to Democrat candidates, so let's look a little further...

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation– is actually “fiscally financed” through an international non-profit referred to as THOUSAND CURRENTS.

Thousand Currents is all about change. Their site highlights their "Theory of Change." It clearly articulates the short-, medium-, and long-term outcomes "that we and our partners work toward, using four distinct categories:

Community Self-Determination
Organizational Resilience
Global Solidarity
Social Justice Giving"

Those are all buzzwords.
Let's unpack those euphemisms:

Community Self-Determination-abolition of national sovereignty and a descent into tribalism---which is why Trump's mantra of "Make America Great Again" drives them crazy.

Organizational Resilience- maintaining their activism despite losing elections

Global Solidarity-Globalism and a one-world government--- which again shows why Trump's "America First" platform also drives them crazy.

Social Justice Giving---this is another way of stating the mantra of Karl Marx, the original socialist: "From everybody according to their ability,... to everybody according to their need!"

Want more?

As Thousand Currents, "our brand honors the transformational changes in food sovereignty, alternative economies, and climate justice that are upon us – led by women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples in the Global South!"


The time of our demise draws nigh!

Get involved, get active, get engaged. The survival of The Big American Ranch depends on you!

Sheepdogs arise!

Peter Feaman

Who is Behind Black Lives Matter

Bill Abatematteo

The  abysmal record of Democratic leadership in our cities over the past 50 years is a matter of historical record.  What also is true is that the ills of our inner cities didn’t start three and a half years ago either.  

Trump didn’t cause them.  These cities have been in decline since the Great Society legislation was introduced in the mid 60s.  Poverty, violent crime has increased while the traditional family structure has disappeared.  

But what’s going on isn’t about this or the accusation of systemic racism in America or in police departments.  That’s just a ruse for what’s really going on behind the scenes which is the destruction of America.  

Not by blacks or anyone rallying to their sincere cry for justice, but by a Marxist movement that has been trying for decades now to topple our government.  

Unable to win elections as members running under the Communist Party USA or the Socialist Party of America, they had to devise a new game plan if their mission was ever to succeed.  They decided to hi-jack one of the two major parties, infiltrate them and win elections.  They chose the Democratic Party, ostensibly because they were susceptible and willing to embrace “progressive” ideas, not realizing that these newcomers where sheep in wolves clothing.  

To gain popularity and momentum and power they realized the ultimate “class warfare” was racism, and began to ramp up that game a decade ago.  They have taken a page right out of the Bolshevik playbook, using “systemic racism” and oppression to get others to do their dirty work, much like Lenin, and later Stalin did in Russia and the National Socialists did in Germany.  

They have hi-jacked many organizations and turned them and their supporters into tools for their radical goals.  BLM is one of those organizations that has been hi-jacked.  Their new mission on THEIR webpage is 1) to defund and abolish the police; 2) eliminate the traditional family structure of Western society; and their newest one, to establish armed groups in the inner cities to protect citizens who are victims of police violence.  See the pattern?  Protect citizens from the police?It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize what that means or how that movie plays out.

Bill Abatematteo

The Republican National Convention Coming to Florida

We have just learned that the National Convention has been moved to Jacksonville, Florida.  Below is announcement from Joe Gruters, RNC of Florida Chairman.

In Times of Universal Deceit Truth is a Revolutionary Act



Make no mistake, the murder of George Floyd was a sickening, disgusting and terrifying act of first degree pre-meditated murder by a police officer.

I hope and believe the Minnesota criminal justice system will deal with that appropriately. The Minneapolis Chief of Police is a black man and the Minnesota Attorney General is a black man.

But, while the mainstream media has promoted the idea of racist police unjustly targeting black people, official crime statistics reveal that’s nothing more than a myth. One America’s Pearson Sharp breaks down the numbers:

In 2017, 457 white suspects were killed by police vs. 223 blacks.
In 2018, 319 white vs. 209 black deaths at the hands of police officers.
In 2019, 370 vs. 235 blacks deaths by the police.

One could argue that  those statistics prove racial injustice because blacks make up only 13% of the population.
However, sadly, most crime in the U.S. is committed by non-whites.

So the real question should be, why is crime so disproportionately high in the black community?

There is black on black genocide taking place in our big cities, especially in Chicago, a city run by Democrats for generations, where chaos reigns there.

Over Memorial Day weekend 10 black people were killed in black drive by shootings.

No one talks about the breakdown of the family unit in the black community as a direct result of government policies...

As violence continues to reign, most of the victims are the very people who are trying to make a difference-black business owners.

On this Sunday I pray, and pray and pray.

Freedom depends on it,

Peter Feaman

Sadly Watching Our American Cities Under Seige - As Democratic Leaders Step Aside

Sadly we watch as our major American cities are being looted, burned and ruined by criminals and domestic terrorists.  Meanwhile we watch as the New York Governor and Mayor debate and ponder late into the afternoon as to whether to declare a curfew, then do so in the early evening for 11 p.m. Really?  The next day the Governor goes back to the slideshow and fails to take the responsibility he should have.  Instead of sending in the National Guard to support the weary, unsupported New York police, he does nothing.  Just chastizes the police.

We watch as a feckless Minneapolis mayor lets extremists and hoodlums take over police precincts and run wild destroying minority businesses. We see hoodlums in Philadelphia  set fire to police vehicles. We watch as police are attacked and shot.  Instead of being supported to end this violence, police are being told to stand down. Many videos show police watching as men in masks walk by boldly with bats over their shoulders or other destructive instruments.   This can't be our country.

It is almost a cliche at this point to say that this is not about a black man who was horribly and senselessly murdered by an out-of-control policeman.  This is about chaos and anarchy.  This is about lack of leadership.  Where was the leadership of a mayor or his predecessor in weeding out bad cops long ago before this horrendous precipitous incident happened?  This is about governments that are not doing their job. Cities have continued to reelect these weak politicians - democrats who make empty promises while they lead our cities into decline and destruction and let anarchists and hoodlums take control in a crisis.

There is only one answer -- change - change the leadership of these cities. If liberals in New York want to shop on their 5th Avenue shops again, they better wise up. 

T. Murtha

Backhoe Chronicles- Madness

I have been struggling with what to post about the madness that is sweeping big cities around the country.
Last night I watched St. John's Church, located just across from the White House, partially burn. I got sick to me stomach....
Then it dawned on me...you have heard me, and seen me write, we are engaged in a struggle, and have been since 2016, for the heart and soul of these United States.
If you believe like I do, that America was settled and founded as a new Jerusalem, a light to the world, a city on a hill, then you know that this is as much a spiritual battle as it is a political battle.
And so it dawned on me...we must pray as much as we are also politically active.
This anointed Republic is under attack by forces that no one saw coming.
We know that the rioters and anarchists are not the same people who rightfully protest over the senseless murder on Mr. Floyd.
Rather, the forces arrayed against us are taking advantage of the event and .. here is the worst part... there are so many mayors who do not have the moral clarity to see the difference.
They want to be so sensitive to the legitimate protesters that they are blind to the evil that rises up in the name of protest. And the result? The Minneapolis Mayor and others tell the police force to stand down!
My God! Death, destruction and mayhem is not legitimate protest! 
And we see that lack of moral clarity repeated in city after city.
We know the answer...
In this political cycle, we must work like it is up to us...
And pray like it is up to God.
America is, and has been, a light to the world.
We must not let that light grow dim on our watch!
Peter Feaman

The Setup of Mike Flynn

We all, all Americans, should be outraged and frightened. Outraged at the audacity of the Obama administration’s operatives who went after a three-star General and put him through over three years of hell.  Frightened that the America as we know it has been totally compromised by people trying to hold onto  power. Wow!  

If this weren’t what really happened and it wasn’t so frightening, it would be the best political thriller ever..there is not enough popcorn. 

The case to setup Mike Flynn started in the Spring of 2016.   It came to fruition when on August 16 of 2016, the FBI opened up a case against him not on the phony Steele dossier. The stated reasons for starting the case were ridiculous. The electronic communication released on May 7, 2020 indicated that the reasons were that he was an advisor to Trump, he knows people in Russia, and he traveled to Russia in December, 2016. Seriously?  How many US citizens, other than advising Trump criteria, might meet these other criteria. I know people who took river cruises in 2016 to Russia and know people in Russia - should they be investigated by the FBI?  

You have been lied to. In transcripts released May 7, Jim Clapper, Obama’s chief intelligence officer, according to testimony held in secret by the Schiff committee, admitted under oath that he saw no evidence of anyone in the Trump campaign involved in collusion with Russia. While Adam Schiff has been claiming such evidence, there was no one willing to testify under oath  to this. Nothing targeting Mike Flynn was true.  It has been all a fraud. 

The FBI investigated Mike Flynn based on a collusion that didn’t exist. The dossier was fake.  The Russian collusion was fake.  The FBI knew this, but they needed to get Mike Flynn. 

Then in January of 2017 the FBI is in a panic.  They know they have nothing on Mike Flynn. Comey and McCabe can’t let Flynn become Trump’s national security advisor.   It was then that in a meeting between then President Barak Obama, Susan Rice, Jim Comey, Sally Yates and Biden and others that it was cooked up to use the Logan Act to setup Mike Flynn.

The 221-year-old Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from conducting foreign policy on behalf of the U.S., has never resulted in a conviction. 
Since the Logan Act was a flimsy alternative, Comey thought they catch Flynn lying to the FBI. Comey sent,  according to his own gleeful admission on a late night talk show, agents to interview Flynn  under false pretexts. Former FBI director James Comey acknowledged in 2018 that he set up the interview with Flynn bypassing the normal protocol of going through White House counsel. This decision was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with,” he  said, “in a more organized administration.”

Mr. Flynn was setup by an arrogant group of people who abused their power to help stage the takedown of our elected President and protect their own interests. 

Shared Responsibilty

By Marty Block

Technological civilization is a unique occurrence in our galaxy. It is quite reasonable to believe that even if there have been other such technological civilizations that have arisen on others of the 100 billion planets that it is estimated have existed within solar systems surrounding some of the 100 - 400 billion stars in the Milky Way over the 13.6 billion years since its creation, they are such a rare achievement that there most likely never were any two overlapping technological civilizations on two of the planets in those many solar systems; which is a sound explanation why we have never had an authenticated contact with another technological civilization and quite probably never shall.

That is not the same as saying that there is no other life on the myriad of planets and satellites within the galaxy.  If life was able to be created on the Earth at a time when the environmental conditions were potentially hostile to such an event, there is no reasonable argument that it could not occur elsewhere.

But if indeed the theory of the rarity of technological civilizations coming into existence is correct, then our's may be alone in the Milky Way, which means we, the people of the Earth, the third planet in the solar system surrounding a rather ordinary sun sitting on one of the galaxy's spiral arms, carry a high burden and ethical responsibility to exert every effort to preserve and advance our technological civilization.

The burden and responsibility to preserve and advance our civilization is a shared responsibility belonging to no single nation, institution, or people.  It is an individual and collective responsibility and it carries with it the added burden of all that share this planet to individually and collectively ensure that no individual nation, institution, or people jeopardize the well-being of the others by acts of commission or omission.

Which brings us to the immediate threat to civilization brought about because of the irresponsible and/or deliberate acts of the People's Republic of China resulting from the Corvid-19 epidemic and the actions of  China and the World Health Organization before, during, and following the inauguration of the chain of events.